Our home system: How good it is?

My music sound philosophy/reference is the live music/event that unfortunately I can’t mimic on my system or in any other audio system that I heard. I always say that the very best we can achieve is to be nearer to the recording and even this target is a little “ elusive “ to get for say the least.

Through my audio life I heard a lot of different audio systems: I heard it on audio shows, on dealer rooms and on home people’s systems.

With out any doubt the best audio system performances that I already experienced were/are on home systems where I learn several subjects ( including the people music sound priorities ) and one-two of them are the in deep care in the SET UP of each link on the whole audio chain ( including room ). Some of high price systems that I heard it are not very good because its “ lesser “ care on the each link SET UP.

I want to share with all of you my latest experiences that I had 2-3 weeks ago when I visit some audio friends on USA.
I was exposed to 7 different home systems and I share with you my thoughts on only 4 of those home audio systems that I consider have nothing less but top/first rate performance and where I really enjoy the music.

First than all I want to say that all those audio friends were very gentle and with a very high sense on hospitality: thank you in deep to every one for that I really appreciate it in every way including your very value time that you take/give me.

The best subject during my visit to each one of those great people was to know/meet them: meet people with an in deep knowledge on music ( music lovers more than hardware lovers.), with in deep audio experiences, with in deep know how on their each priorities, with in deep care on whole room-system SET UP, with a great software, with an open mind to share and to accept different points of view, with in deep understanding that there are no perfect systems, with a “ humility “ attitude that it is a must to have to grow-up and with the enjoy “ feeling “ of music listening.

This was a very rare opportunity that I enjoy it and that I know I was so lucky about: Thank you again to all of you!!!!

In no order of preference here it is:

HOUSTON: Fred’s place with a dedicated audio room. Acapella big Triolon speakers, Einstein front end electronics, Rockport/Titan i analog rig, Nordost, JC-1s amps, etc.

When the first music note comes from this system you know that it is something special and after a few minutes you forgot about the hardware and start to enjoy fully the software ( either analog/digital ).
The system is so easy to transmit the music “ feelings/emotions “ and let that the sound/music flow directly to your mind.

Those Triorlon are really great and my hat off to Acapella people because they blend three different speaker drivers in an almost perfect mix. I don’t like ( but the immediacy ) horns ( I heard many of them ) and the Triorlon’s has two of them in the midrange frequency range and I have to say that these horns are the lower horn-signature that I ever heard, the mid bass/bass are moving coil drivers and the Plasma tweeter is ( probably ) the speaker star but with out saying “ I’m here “, like I say almost perfect driver blend.

BOISE: Steve’s place with a dedicated audio room. MBL 111 speakers, custom made Berning’s monoblock amplifiers, Technics SP10 MK3 with a Steve self design/build gorgeous plinth with Schroeder Reference tonearm and strain gauge cartridge/front end by Soundsmith and Lyra Olimpos.

This was my three time that I heard MBL speakers and my first time on a home system: what a difference!!!!, these system/speakers are so near the real music that, like in Fred’s system, the only think that you want is to hear music and more music: LP after LP and again!!!!

Those custom made amplifiers are very good match to the MBL’s and has the lower coloration of tube-signature amplifier I ever heard. I know that the MBL speakers are not easy/friendly with tube electronics and in this system everything is on target, of course that Steve’s hand on this count a lot for that.

I experienced here two different quality performance sound: the Soundsmith one ( that is good ) and a MC cartridge one. I have to say that the Soundsmith rig was only 20-30 hours from new and even Steve was “ playing “ with the set-up. Anyway IMHO that day the Lyra quality performance was way better and I enjoy it for many hours. With this MC cartridge things ( great things ) come out specially the non-sense audio system: disappear!, I had only the LP music performance: great performances.

DALLAS: Louis’s place with a dedicated audio room. Kharma Exquisite 1A speakers, CAT’s monobloks ( new ones: 30 hours on it. ), Lamm/Aesthetix front end electronics, Garrad 301/Triplanar/Xv-1and Technics SP-10MK3/SME/Air Tight both with a custom made wood plinths and the 301 with a custom made power supply.

First thing you note at Loui’s place is that huge room, the biggest I ever know ( maybe 2.3 times the Steve or Fred ones that are big. ) in a home stereo system.

Here I think that the stars are those 550 pound each speakers and its room good integration ( not an easy task ). Like the other systems this one is different but really good. This is my second time hearing Kharma speakers and I have to say that are very very good performers.

The whole sound is a refined/sophisticated one where you or anyone are asking for more, not more quality but more time to heard/hear and enjoy music. I was surprised by the 301 rig quality performance ( where I know very well the XV-1 quality. ): first rate, I can’t hear any coloration that I can/could say: “ that’s was the 301 “.

As good as I heard that system Louis told me that through his Lamm amplifiers ( SE 15-18 watts ) the quality of the system’s sound is a step higher!!, unfortunately I can’t hear it with these amplifiers. Anyway a pleasure to hear it on the Cats.

SAN DIEGO: Mark’s place with out a dedicated audio room ( the system belongs to the sitting room ). Revel speakers, Threshold amplifier, Hovland front end electronics and Raven/Triplanar/Ruby 2.

It seems the “ modest “ system on the group but a top quality performer where we know immediately the very hard work that Mark made to achieve that high quality performance. I know very well the Ruby 2 and in this system is something to hear.
Here there is no single “ star “ but a very good set up of audio items group that sounds a lot better that some very high price systems that I heard, money means nothing at all with out whole/overall knowledge.

As different as are all these audio system all them share common things: system whole synergy, when you heard it you know everything is there ( soundstage, good tonal balance, inner detail, transparent, fast response, dynamics, etc, etc, ), nothing is telling you “ I’m here “ ( very well balance ), sounds good with different kind of music and at different SPL levels, you can heard it for many hours and enjoy every minute, etc, etc.

Are these audio system “ perfect “ ?, certainly not: nothing is. Their owners ( all of them ) already know that they have “ land “ to improve and more important that this fact is that all them know where to improve.

Something to “ ask “ to these systems?, well as you know I’m for full range ( octave to octave ) audio systems and if I put really exigent then I can say that all these system “ miss “ the last bass octave/half octave. This bass octave is system/room dependent and speaker design specification dependent: non of those speakers were designed to achieve that low bass frequency range with the same high quality of the other frequency ranges.
Anyway I can say that I never feel the necessity of that bass octave during all those many hours of music pleasure hearing all those audio systems.

It is a nice thing to learn, through other home audio system listening experiences, if what we have at home is in the right “ road “ and this fact help all of us to grow up in the quest of home audio music sound reproduction heaven.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
Shadorne says:-
"I am also stunned by how many expensive systems have a listening position that is a couch with its back up against a wall. It just floors me."
Apart from stating that "it's just obvious" or "I've heard the differences", can you please point me to the science of acoustics which verifies your statement?
Elinor wrote:-
"When the Vienna Philharmonic plays in Carnegie Hall and I attend a couple of concerts, it is tough to listen to my audio system the next day."
Whenever I attend Symphony concerts in the Sydney Opera House, it is a pleasure to return to my home system.
The SOH is so vast that even a compliment of 100 orchestra members is 'lost'!
There is little power, little volume and little detail.
I've also been to many more live 'pop' concerts with awful sound than the handful of memorable sonic experiences.
The Absolute Sound?.........it can be over-rated.

This link will help you understand. Just watch the animation and bear in mind that the reflections cause "comb filtering" making some frequencies disappear altogether. Notice the rear wall "purple wave" has a stonger arrival at the listener nearly as big as the primary green acoustic wave - in fact it is teh biggest and messiest secondary arrival as it has lots of coherence. The best sound is achieved when secondary reflections arriving at the listener are separated from the primary arrival by about a minimum of 7 Msec with 10 to 15 msec generally regarded as optimal. Reduction in their amplitude helps but fundamentally it is best to avoid any early reflections (you need to drop a reflected signal by more than 10 db before it begins to less destectable to the ear as a source of sound directionally). Fatiguing or claustrophobic is the impression you get from a lot of very early and large amplitude reflections as the brain is bombarded with sound from all directions. Rememember that as you move the listener towards the back wall it will reduce the primary engery and increase the reflected energy - at about 2 feet the rear wall reflections may actually become LOUDER than the primary sound and a mere 4 msecs behind it (confusing the soundstage).

Likewise Ethan Winner explains room acoustics and the importance of creating a Reflection Free Zone at the listening position.

Another helpful tip is to look at the recommended place to position bass traps. Invariably the best spot for maximum bass absorption is a foot or two out from the wall - this is where the modal acoustic energy from room modal standing waves is often the highest (with corners being the very strongest) - obviously this also happens to be a bad place to have your listening position.

Another useful tip is to google studios and take a look at their designs from photos -for example. Search as much as you like but you will NEVER find a setup in a prestigious studio (where they can afford the best) with the listening position close to a side wall or a rear wall, as everyone knows how bad and cluttered this will sound. Generally distance to rear wall will EXCEED distance to side walls and rear walls will often be treated/damped because the strongest most coherent reflection in a room is

1) The bass reflection off the wall behind your speakers ( this is why studios build their main speakers into a wall or use very close small near-field monitors for critical listening - just as you see in the photo - you can find hundreds more and more or less they will be the very similar)

2) The bass reflection off the wall from behind the listener (long hall like rooms with treated rear walls behind listeners are preferred).

I hope this helps. I understand it is not that obvious and that too much literature concentrates on side walls and neglects the wall behind the listener. This subject is probably the most important but least advertised aspect of teh audiophile hobby. However, remember that manufacturers want rather you spend more on their cables, amps, and speakers than acoustics. Besides, if you are sturggling with acoustics then you are more likely to be disatisfied with your system compared to others and therefore keep spending money on upgrades...

I would suggest that Rives would be an excellent resource too you can find god articles they have written also. Of course these companies (like Ethan Winner's Realtraps) make a living from selling designs and acoustic products but they are not above giving common sense advice for free. Perhaps Rives will chime in - they will know an awful lot more about this than my rduimentary and superficial treatment of this subject.
BTW - please forgive my lousy typing, and one more thing on Point 2) => you will notice listening position in studios tends to be far from the rear wall behind listener - most often with the engineer sitting in the front half of the room.

A good rule of thumb is the 38% room length rule - a listening position along the longest dimension of the room is often best at 38% of the length - studio engineers tend to sit forward in the 38% zone from the front of room whilst home listeners will probably get most enjoyment from sitting in the further 38% position from rear wall (this generally gives a more pleasing ambience and a broader more natural soundstage)

After staking out the best reflection free listening position in a room then it is a matter of finding optimum speaker placement.
Thanks for the links Shadorne.
The PrimeAcoustic link is a bit lightweight and is tainted by a company selling the products however..........I can find no references to 'not placing your seat against a rear wall'?
The Ethan Winer article is another kettle of fish altogether. It is learned, full of science and accurate real-world information. It is a joy to read. Even though he appears to hold no formal acoustic qualifications and is head of RealTraps which sells the acoustic treatments he recommends, this man knows his 'onions'!
Filtering the information he provides unfortunately, is the fact that it is written primarily from the recording studio playback point of view. The fact that he recommends that ALL room surfaces including ceilings, should be absorbent alerts any knowing audiophile, and also the fact that he recommends ceiling-mounted speakers is a dead giveaway.....not that Ethan is making any apologies for that.
But if you seriously believe that the acoustics in a recording studio are what we should be aiming for in our home listening rooms, then I beg to differ.
Despite all of this, again nowhere could I find in Ethan's article any caveat about listening against a wall (other than, if you do, make it absorbent).
I can understand Shadorne, where, absorbing some of the facts presented, you may leap to the assumption that you have, but I propose that it is not born out by science, facts or acoustics. Nor is it born out by my listening experiences.