table turning backwards

Okay, so I am probably an idiot and this is a very easy question to answer I suppose. However, I will ask it anyways. Recently my table, a mmf 2.2, started rotating the platter the wrong way occasionally. I would turn it off and re-start it. Usually that would fix the problem. Now it won't rotate correctly, in that it will only rotate to read the record backwards. I am not aware of any switch that I hit. Does any one have any answers for me.

thanks ash
Thanks for the responses. If polarity is reversed how would I correct it. What do you mean reverse the plug? I will check with music hall tomorrow.

thanks guys
Clip the tone arm in the rest position (use some strong twine), fill up your bathtub completely, and toss the turntable in. If it floats then it is definitely possessed and you you will need to burn it on a stake on your backyard BBQ. If it sinks then it may have only been a problem with the starting winding or its starting capacitor (Try to dry it out although this may have wrecked your turntable. On the plus side at least you can sleep calmly at night and you won't have to clean all your album collection with holy water).

More seriously, just spin the table a little in the right direction before you switch it on...