Aesthetix Rhea & Modwright SWP 9.0 se

Does anyone have experience with these Phono stages
I'm using a Dynavector XXII Mk2 on a Graham Phantom arm and
a Raven One table.
Music taste is classic rock , vocals ,singer/songwriters, and classical orchestra.
I value LOW NOISE, dynamics,real life images and recreation of recording venue.
I just bought last month my second Modwright SWP 9.0SE
You mention "I value LOW NOISE" how about no noise. Mine is dead quiet, there is no hum or any noise what so ever. My friend has your Rhea which is very good, but we have done A/B on these two units and the Modwright is the winner everytime. Just so much more of everything going for it.
The Modwright is VERY dynamic,Image and seperation I feel does not get any better. Low end on this unit has bettered any other I have heard or owned.
Thanks Dave,
I appreciate your input.
Actually, I own neither component, but am planning on selecting one.
Your experience comparing the 2 units is most helpful.
I owned a Rhea a few years back. I found it to be somewhat difficult to quiet down to any degree. The Rhea had a nice, big sound that pushed out the mid-range a bit over the frequency extremes. Lots of nice features. I have heard that there have been improvements to the Rhea since then. I have no experience with Modwright.