Rega's T/T power supply: Is it worth the money?

I recently purchased a Rega P3-24 turntable with their Elys II cartridge. So far I have enjoyed what I have heard, but have played less than 25% of my LP's. I have read some reviews of Rega's TT PSU power supply as part of reviews of their tables. Nevertheless, at $375, it seems pricey considering the table and cartridge retail for $1200--- that is, the PS costs almost 30% of the rig. I have read that the difference with it in line range from subtle to a marked improvement in the sound. I would like input from members who own or have owned this upgrade....Also would the Project SpeedBox II work with the Rega P3-24??. Thanks, Jim
One of the best upgrades I did on my Rega P25 was the Heed Orbit outboard power supply. I have a FULL BLOWN (every urgrade you can do) P25 and the power supply upgrade was probably the best "bang for buck".
I bought it along with my P5 - it makes a huge difference, enough to say that it is really almost a mandatory upgrade.
i have the same TT as Mofi with the same PSU. when i got rid of the stock power cord on the Heed, the rega really took off.
I hope so, I just ordered one for my P3-24 TODAY.:-) along with an Ortofon Black MM Cart. Seriously, very accurately controlling the speed of the platter is tops in list of important things. My dealer said the P3-24 with the TTPSU really is about the same to him as the P5 (sounding-wise). He feels the next jump in table to "hear" the difference is the P7 in the Rega line.