Upgrades for Scoutmaster, In order of improvement?

Hello all,
I am looking to buy a VPI Scoutmaster table, and am trying to configure a table with the various improvements and upgrades to match my budget. The question is this:
In your opinion, what is the order of importance of the upgrades I have listed below? Or, in order words, which upgrades give you the most bang for your buck, and which upgrades will improve the sound of the table the most?

Here is the list of upgrades in order of cost. My starting point is the basic Scoutmaster table.
1. Mini HRX feet upgrade.
2. Ring clamp and heavy center weight.
3. SDS speed controller.
4. From JMW-9+ Sig tonearm to the JMW-10.5i tonearm.
5. From the Acrylic platter to the new heavyweight platter.
6. From the Scoutmaster table with single motor to the Super Scoutmaster table with the flywheel motor.

Thanks for your comments. It will be fun to read you opinions.
I like my 10.5i considerably better than the 9 sig. The flexibility in being able to accurately and reproducably raise and lower the arm makes something as simple as accurate VTF measurement much easier even if you don't mess with VTA much. There's obviously less tracking error with a longer arm too. Audibly, I agree it's one of the more subtle upgrades I've made but worthwhile. If you plan on doing many of these upgrades you might want to compare the cost of just selling and buying the SSM ref.
>>There's obviously less tracking error with a longer arm too<<

Theoretically but that's not the real world.

Some of the finest arms in the world are 9" and will embarrass the 10.5i.

It's all about design, build quality, and implementation.
Not questioning your opinion,just curious,name some of these better arms.Thanks.