VPI Scout Upgrade Path Help

I have a VPI Scout with the following. (See below) What would be the next logical upgrade for the VPI? I am considering a platter upgrade but the superplatter is a little pricey. Should I go with an Aries platter (to eventually accommodate the outer clamp?) I am looking to spend under 1k so replacing a major component in the chain is probably not an option. As far as the Scout goes is it the law of diminishing returns at this point given what I have already esp given the cartridge I am running?

JWM Sig Arm
300 RPM Motor
Ginkgo Cloud 9 Isolation
Sumiko Blackbird Cart

My system is
Sonus Faber Concertos (Bookshelf on Stands)
Granite Audio 770FP Tube Preamp
B and K 2220 Reference Amp
Vandersteen 2wq Sub

Hi, I'm running a Dynavector XX2MKII, which is admittedly a lot of cartridge for a Signature Scout, but it sounds great. I got mine used here on the 'Gon, at an $800 reduction in price.I recommend when you change carts that you buy and install Mapleshade's Nanomount system, it really cleans up what your cart is able to send to your phono pre.


Thanks for the response. I will look into replacing the cart down the line. Does upgrading the platter from a Scout to a Scoutmaster (AriesII) as opposed to the Superplatter worthwhile?
Steve, I have a VPI Scout with the standrd JMW-9 arm ,the table sits on a Ginko Cloud 11. I have added the Super Platter and have had the SDS for some time. This maybe overkill for the Scout but my long range goal is to eventually sell the Scout as original, keep the Super Platter and SDS , then up grade to the Super Scoutmaster minus the platter, then install the Super Platter on it.
As far as the upgrades effect,The SDS system really improves the stability of rhythm and pace by giving the tt a constant speed. The Super Platter sounds better than the all Acrylic one by a long shot, plus the mass gives more of a solid foundation to the sound IMO. I never have cared for the sound of all acrylic platters.
I hope that this helps in your decision.