EAR 834P + Bent Audio Stepups = greatness?

I have an EAR 834P unmodified and am constantly reading how this amp is certainly one to be on the short list of anyone who wants a decent entry level phono. I have the deluxe version so it can handle low MC carts. When modified, many claim this unit is exceptional competing with units well past its price point. My question, if paired with exceptional step ups from Bent Audio, would the EAR perform in the same league as higher end units? The EAR has a very short signal path, is very simple so there shouldn't be much to lose from the cartridge to the main amp save for problems with the decent but not wonderful internal step ups. throwing in some of the world's best into the chain, would I see a world of difference or would money be better spent on a new phono outright? By that I mean, should I modify the unit and get the Mu's or would that $1600 or so paired with the 900-1000 I might get selling the EAR get me more on the used market?

Thank you in advance
Mgreene, we seem to have a disconnect. My comments were directed to the 834P that the OP asked about. He asked if the MUs added to the 834P would equal "greatness". Well, ok, that is subjective. IMO and IME, my answer is still no. You seem to want to talk about the 839, but I'm assuming you mean the 834.

I could go to the trouble of designing an external PSU, splitting the circuit farther into two separate channels, etc., but it would no longer be an 834P. BTW, mine was not a deluxe model so it did not have the volume pot.
Yes, Dan that was my point - and a very clever answer BTW :) Once all, as in ALL, the mods are made, it is no longer the "834P" it is a new circuit based on the 834P. All of my comments about the 834P were plainly and explicitly based on the fully modified circuit.

Your pal Raul said, to quote: "... forget about the 834P ( and up-grades to it )". An extremely broad statement which you echoed by saying that you had tried ALL the mods, when you plainly had not.
