Anyone using BillyBags for a TT stand?

My current audio rack is very wobbly. I'd prefer not to mount my Scoutmaster on a shelf, so I'm thinking that I should invest in a more solid audio rack. I've never had any experience with BillyBags so wondering if anyone can attest to their solidity and how good they are for turn tables.

I am using a Billy Bags Pro-54-3 with sand filled legs, and what a great rack it is. Solid as a rock, super build quality, and really improved the sound quality of all my components, but especially my VPI Scoutmaster TT. Huge difference, HUGE !! Do it.
I have one - not in use now except to pile laundry on, but it is exceptionally well made, looks great, and solid as a rock. Should be fine as a TT stand.