There is no need for anti-skating force because the stylus is perpendicular to the armtube. The reason you need anti-skating for offset headshells is because the elliptical/line stylus is rotated by between 19 degrees and 23 degrees from the line that goes from the stylus to the pivot point. With the RS-labs arm, the stylus is always perpendicular to the line that goes from the stylus to the pivot point.
For an analogy, think of paddling in a canoe. If you are at the back of the canoe and place the paddle in the water directly behind the back/stern of the canoe, but put the paddle in 'at an angle', the canoe will turn to one side or the other. This is like the lateral 'skating force'. Think of the angle at which you dipped the paddle as the offset angle of a regular headshell.
If you place the paddle in the water perfectly perpendicular to the canoe, the canoe will slow down, but will not turn. This is like the RS-labs headshell. There is no sideways drag due to the stylus.
Now, the stylus does not follow the angle of the cutting lathe as it covers the vinyl groove as well as an offset headshell, which creates some phase error, but the RS-labs arm more than compensates for this with the lack of resonance from the actual armtube.
If you can't already tell, I love my RS-labs arm.
For an analogy, think of paddling in a canoe. If you are at the back of the canoe and place the paddle in the water directly behind the back/stern of the canoe, but put the paddle in 'at an angle', the canoe will turn to one side or the other. This is like the lateral 'skating force'. Think of the angle at which you dipped the paddle as the offset angle of a regular headshell.
If you place the paddle in the water perfectly perpendicular to the canoe, the canoe will slow down, but will not turn. This is like the RS-labs headshell. There is no sideways drag due to the stylus.
Now, the stylus does not follow the angle of the cutting lathe as it covers the vinyl groove as well as an offset headshell, which creates some phase error, but the RS-labs arm more than compensates for this with the lack of resonance from the actual armtube.
If you can't already tell, I love my RS-labs arm.