Great sounding new vinyl

This was suggested by Sonojfim on a previous thread. I wanted to send a petition to the vinyl companies because so many bad sounding new LP's on the market. A more positive way would be for all of us to share a few titles of really good sounding new and reissue LP's with label info if possible...
Making money disappear isn't magic. The @ssholes in Washington and NY are doing that at an alarming rate, and I would call it criminal, not magic.

But anyway, there are some test pressing of the new 45rpm FBR out in circulation, so it is possible that someone has heard it already.
My copy has been shipped (and I didn't preorder it) so I imagine many must have theirs already.
Like I said, I'm interested to hear if this release cuts the mustard(audiofeil, you can quote that too if you want). I knew it would be out soon and was interested to see what the early buzz on it is.
famousblueraincoat / Jennifer Warnes Cisco 3 x 45 RPM arrived . I can tell you that this is a great sounding album, no surface noise, very well mastered absolutely no defect on any of the 3 LP's. Awesome packaging. Price justified.
Another one: John Heard & Co / The Jazz Composer's Songbook / Classic records