How Much Surface Noise is Too Much?

Just curious as to a range of opinions here. At what point is an LP unworthy of being played with your stylus/cartridge? Should one expect a used record store to give refunds on LPs which turn out to have more than a certain amount of surface noise/warpage and, if so, how much damage/defect should be criteria for getting one's money back? Any other thoughts along this line?
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I'll put up with more noise if the record is a hard one to find or if the underlying sound is especially good but Tvad is right, everyone's tolerance differs. Digital sensitized many to this more I think. The longer you play vinyl, the less a little noise seems to bother.
I'm surmising that styli/cartridges are pretty tough versus most run-of-the-mill record surface issues from an old brochure on the Linn LP-12 I remember reading ages and ages ago which said something to the effect of "even your battle scarred old discs will take on a new life...", but is there a point at which most of you reject the idea of playing a record out of fear of damaging equipment? How bad does a scratch have to be from this standpoint to relegate the LP to the rubbish bin?