what cartridge to buy

had a grado reference platinum did not like .table i am buying comes with a high output sumiko bluepoint 2 is this a better sounding cartridge my new table is a project rm5se thanks
Have you considered an Audio Technica AT150MLX? I haven't heard it but it gets glowing reviews. The output is 4.0 mV so it will work with your phono stage. You should check out this forum:

I just went up two notches in resolution

You can buy it from J&R Music for $250 shipped.
no i have had grado gold and platinum and agoldring that was on a musichall table
10-11-08: Mingles
Have you considered an Audio Technica AT150MLX? I haven't heard it but it gets glowing reviews. The output is 4.0 mV so it will work with your phono stage.
I'm the guy who wrote that glowing thread about the AT150MLX, and 4 months later the honeymoon is still not over. I love this cartridge. In the time since I've owned it, I have upgraded my amplification and speakers to much higher resolution than I had before, and the AT150MLX holds up very nicely in this environment. It is very fast, linear, neutral, and dynamic, yet always comes off as musical rather than clinical.

I used to have a predecessor of the Grado Gold, and the AT150MLX has much of the lushness owing to its detail retrieval, but is uncolored, is tighter, has better bass extension, tightness, and clarity, and tracks better throughout the LP.
thanks for the info john what table are you useing i wounder at what price point you stop gaining in the sound were it is not worth the money to what you gain in sound