What to do with old inner sleevs after cleaning?

I know that after cleaning record you suppose to place it in a new inner jacket,prefferably made of rice paper and/or consisting of several plies of paper/plastic combination.I have MoFI sleeves and Goldring sleeves for that.My question is:what do you usualy do with old inner sleeves?Some of them have grafics/art,texts and additional info.I tried putting them alongside new inner sleeves but not all of them fit.Some are made of thick quality paper and cannot easily slide into the record sleeve thus causing huge headache when you putting the record away after playing it.
Also,some records have regular paper inner sleeves that contain only record label logos.If i throw them away,does it devalue the record as a collectible item?
I am afraid to devalue the record in case later i want to sell it but would hate to file away and index the old dusty inner sleevs for that purpose.
I would appreciate if you share your experiences regarding it.Thanks a lot!
all sleeves become somewhat dusty, but quality sleeves should protect records just fine. if they are visually inferior, change them. if not, i wouldn't worry to much about changing each time you clean a record. the mpfi sleeves are excellent, and last longer than most.
Careful: Contrarian replying here. I re-use most of my poly-lined sleeves that are in good condition, I replace all paper only sleeves or sleeves in bad condition or sleeves that are only the really soft plastic (from the 50s). I keep my EMI, Decca, Lyrita and many other LPs that came with good quality sleeves in those original sleeves.

I know this does not follow the collective conventional wisdom on this topic. But I clean every LP I purchase, I've never found that re-using the sleeves adversely impacts the thousands of LPs that I've cleaned and that are on my shelves. I know the concerns over leaching plasticizers, etc., etc., from the old poly, and I've heard the war stories. But I've never encountered it in any of my LPs in over 30 years of collecting vinyl, included lots of used LPs that have been sitting in some of those sleeves for 40 years or more. (Comment: if you wet clean your LPs, make sure they are *completely* dry before putting them back into any sleeve. Newly cleaned but still damp LPs going into a plastic lined jacket has been the most frequent cause of problems I've seen friends encounter.)

If I replace a sleeve (and I replace quite a few), I trhow away generic sleeves. If the sleeve has any graphics or text related to the album, I keep it with the record in the jacket.
Jaybo, I didn't see your post before I hit the key on mine. Sounds like we are of somewhat similar mind on this topic.

I also tend to keep and reuse decent quality inner sleeves, rather than replace them with new MoFi sleeves, (like I do with the crappy cheap paper sleeves that come with some LPs.) However, if you wish to keep the inner sleeve because it has decorations, or lyrics, or whatever on it, my suggestion is to use an outer sleeve bag, and merely put the inner sleeve along side the LP inside the bag. That way you'll never lose it.

My two cents worth.