Which component upgrade will produce more BASS?

My current setup just isn't giving me the lower/mid bass I like. I'm not sure if cabling will help or maybe a more expensive cartridge. Suggestions PLEASE...
Origin Live "Aurora" TT
Origin Live modded OL-1 arm
Shelter 501 MK2 cartridge
Pass Labs X150.5 AMP
Pass Labs XONO phonostage
Pass Labs Aleph P preamp
Audes Blues Speakers(8in sidemount woofer)
Acoustic Zen IC's and PC's
Room size...10X20 with room treatments
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Tvad : That is true. From your perspective a change in speakers is in order.

What the change-out from steel to brass did was to restructure the musical presentation giving different perspective as to bass content. The "Oddophile" video provides an explanation that appears reasonable. And ,yes, my speakers go considerably lower than the blues , and if the appearence of deepness is what's required of course any number of speakers can fit that bill for a price.

The difference that tickeled my ears following the change-out was the bass appeated be more distinct w/ greater realism. Since my speakers go into the teens , perhaps my perspective is reflective of that fact. However, the video does make mention the tweak works on a whole range of speakers $500-$45K.

As for the offer to sell with the torque wrench , I would scarf it up but I have a Wheeler FAT Wrench. What a great tool if only to re-tighten the screws/bolts on speakers and audio gear & lots of other stuff . I have a feeling priced right it could sell quickly.
Agree with Bill. Change the speakers. By lower mid bass I take it you mean kick drum (rather than a subwoofer) is your main need. If you want to go serious then get something with at least a 10 or 12" woofer (I would add to check the voice coil size and that 3 inch is a minimum) - someone mentioned JBL for example. FWIW-bass is generally best in a sealed box until you get into very large speakers.

Large pro speakers use reflex ports to get higher efficiency by putting a bigger drive motor in the same size box whilst most smallish speakers use the port to get bass extension. Usually ported bass extension results in some loss in bass clarity or a tendency towards "one-note" bass (it is a trade off that is well worthwhile for the better WAF factor of small speakers). There are some excellent transmission line designs by PMC. Dynaudios are also pretty good - even their smaller woofers in their Appolito designs can move some serious air. Again I assume (and I could be wrong) that you want that room loading punchy feeling you get from a kick drum rather than just a boomy powerful lower mid bass. Perhaps you could give more color to your needs - for example what have you heard that made you feel you were missing lower mid bass?
I suspect deep bass is not really the issue. Ziggy is probably lacking energy in the 60Hz to 200Hz region which is probably due to room/speaker/listener placement issues. It would help if Ziggy would describe his equipment placement within the room.
Dear Ziggy333a: IMHO if you want to improve the overall quality performance on your audio system including BASS then please take the time to read this about:


Regards and enjoy the music.