Dear Downunder: +++++ " This suits his argument and self advertising for phono stage and line stage to be together. " +++++
I think that you read my posts but you don't understand it ( I have to say that this is not the first time ) or you don't want it: " everything the same ", this means that IMHO and due to my priorities if I have a stand alone state of the art phono stage and a stand alone state of the art line stage against a state of the art integrate unit then I prefer the Phonolinepreamp integrated unit that does not needs any additional " ridicolous " cable and connectors.
I'm not pushing any thing this is my opinion. If you prefer the stand alone units its fine for me.
I respect what Jcarr posted but " everything the same " I don't agree with him about separates against an integrate unit, like I told you my preference ( absolute preference here, now and today ) is for an integrate unit, with out any single commercial issue here, read again: the Essential was designed for us not thinking on you to make money.
You can absorb it, then make your own minds up.
+++++ " self advertising " +++++, I don't need it because I'm not on the audio commercial business, the Phonolinepreamp subject form part of my today priorities.
+++++ "On the other hand Raul luvs tonearms with removable headshells. Now how many stages/veils/distortions etc do these have compared to non removable??. " +++++
as I always posted almost always we have to choose our trade-offs and that's why I choose to go for removable headshell tonearm designs and I can tell you that in our self tonearm design with removable headshell there is no single " veil/stages/distortions " due to that removable headshell subject.
Again, " You can absorb it, then make your own minds up. "
Downunder, I would like to know what are you doing in this thread when you answer or refer to me or my posts: looking/waiting how to go against/attack what I'm saying or you really want to share your opinions with an open mind and trying to learn/understand, could you explain about?
+++++ " You and Audiofeil should get married. " +++++
If you don't want that in a near future I go an insult you with out any respect please that this be the last time that you insult not only me but to the other person and if I don't like you that's is your problem and my advise is that you try not to read my posts, why should you?
Regards and enjoy the music.
I think that you read my posts but you don't understand it ( I have to say that this is not the first time ) or you don't want it: " everything the same ", this means that IMHO and due to my priorities if I have a stand alone state of the art phono stage and a stand alone state of the art line stage against a state of the art integrate unit then I prefer the Phonolinepreamp integrated unit that does not needs any additional " ridicolous " cable and connectors.
I'm not pushing any thing this is my opinion. If you prefer the stand alone units its fine for me.
I respect what Jcarr posted but " everything the same " I don't agree with him about separates against an integrate unit, like I told you my preference ( absolute preference here, now and today ) is for an integrate unit, with out any single commercial issue here, read again: the Essential was designed for us not thinking on you to make money.
You can absorb it, then make your own minds up.
+++++ " self advertising " +++++, I don't need it because I'm not on the audio commercial business, the Phonolinepreamp subject form part of my today priorities.
+++++ "On the other hand Raul luvs tonearms with removable headshells. Now how many stages/veils/distortions etc do these have compared to non removable??. " +++++
as I always posted almost always we have to choose our trade-offs and that's why I choose to go for removable headshell tonearm designs and I can tell you that in our self tonearm design with removable headshell there is no single " veil/stages/distortions " due to that removable headshell subject.
Again, " You can absorb it, then make your own minds up. "
Downunder, I would like to know what are you doing in this thread when you answer or refer to me or my posts: looking/waiting how to go against/attack what I'm saying or you really want to share your opinions with an open mind and trying to learn/understand, could you explain about?
+++++ " You and Audiofeil should get married. " +++++
If you don't want that in a near future I go an insult you with out any respect please that this be the last time that you insult not only me but to the other person and if I don't like you that's is your problem and my advise is that you try not to read my posts, why should you?
Regards and enjoy the music.