Graham Phantom Armwand

Does anyone know if the Phantom armwand that came with the 1st version is identical to the new Series 2 version. Connector end, internal wiring etc....
Any feedback appreciated. I may email Bob just to make sure.
NO its different. series one is ceramic and series 2 is titanium. cabling is different as well.
connector end would be the same.
From what I have read and a quick conversation with Bob GRaham, it seems to be a slightly different flavor of sound, without one being truly superior than the other. The change from ceramic was due to the fact that a few customers dropped their arm wand and it broke, facilitating the new more break proof titanium version.

I thought about selling my ceramic and ordering a new titanium, but decided against it. Unless of course I decide to get a second armtube. Then I would buy the titanium and play with the new vs. classic version, depending upon which cart was a better match.
if one had a late 2008 phantom i and got the titanium arm tube would be equivalent to the phantom ii?