Graham Phantom Armwand

Does anyone know if the Phantom armwand that came with the 1st version is identical to the new Series 2 version. Connector end, internal wiring etc....
Any feedback appreciated. I may email Bob just to make sure.
From what I have read and a quick conversation with Bob GRaham, it seems to be a slightly different flavor of sound, without one being truly superior than the other. The change from ceramic was due to the fact that a few customers dropped their arm wand and it broke, facilitating the new more break proof titanium version.

I thought about selling my ceramic and ordering a new titanium, but decided against it. Unless of course I decide to get a second armtube. Then I would buy the titanium and play with the new vs. classic version, depending upon which cart was a better match.
if one had a late 2008 phantom i and got the titanium arm tube would be equivalent to the phantom ii?
I have both the ceramic and titanium armwands. Having a hum issue with the ceramic, I tryed the titanium with my Allaerts Finish VLOMC and it is totaly silent, more refined and precise. The older ceramic is also heavier 3,5 grams wich adds effective mass to the tonearm . Azimuth is more parallel with Titanium. The armtube is thinner and looks more delicate, but rigidity it increased wich is a good sonic improvement. So I advise the use of this new titanium armwand for very low output cartridges, the Phantom will make them shine like aurora borealises !

How can you tell the difference between the Ceramic & Titanium?? especially what you only have the one.

Reason for my question is that Bob said he was making the series 2 for as little while before he officially changed to series 2.
Based on my serial number he thought mine was series 2, but I would like to know either way.

I bought both armwands in march not knowing there was a new model, so I didn't realise until recently when i had a failure with one of them that they where different. So I asked Bob and he answered me that the thinner (6mm diameter) is the new titanium. The older ceramic is 8 mm diameter.