Graham Phantom Armwand

Does anyone know if the Phantom armwand that came with the 1st version is identical to the new Series 2 version. Connector end, internal wiring etc....
Any feedback appreciated. I may email Bob just to make sure.
I just glanced at this thread, and so thought I better set the record straight (no pun this time)... The titanium is a little smaller in diameter, and is even stiffer than the ceramic, but without the danger of breaking if dropped. This version of the armtube made it's way into Phantom "I" production, but just barely (maybe 20 or 30 units)...
The real Model II is identified by the "Phantom II" printed on the wand, and also includes a slightly revised headshell which gives better energy damping. Also, the new titanium tubes, being metal, serve as an electrical shield, something that the ceramic coudn't do.

And to answer "Frank sm" message, BOTH the ceramic and titanium tubes are damped, so ringing is not the reason for the clarity. It has to do entirely with increased stiffness and even BETTER damping in this design.

For the record (pun, this time): anyone who knows us or our design philosophy, knows we NEVER go for the exciting or thumpy just to get attention. Once the signal leaves the cartridge/tonearm, the die is cast, and no other amount of tweaking is going to cure brightness, whumpy bass, or a resonant-induced soundstage that is wider than was originally in the reacord groove. Neutrality, and freedom from ringing or other resonant nasties (however much they may grab your attention), is always the goal with us...

Bob: thanks for your clear input. Confirms that the Phantom 2 is a major upgrade over the 1 . I was lucky to have one of the few Titanium "1" produced and it is already superior than the ceramic. So the new Phantom 2 must be a worthwile upgrade. Electrical shielding and energy damping are of prime importance in a tonearm, making better an already wonderful product.