Would a Dynavector XX2 MkII be good upgrade?

Currently using VPI Scoutmaster w/Sig JMW arm, Dynavector 20XL.
(phono stage is a Rhea Signature)

Is the XX2 a significant upgrade?
Is it too good for my tonearm?
Where is a good place to buy one?
The XX-2 is easier to set up than the stubby 17D3. The cantilever is longer. You sort of have to guess that the cartidge body is aligned with the cantilever on the 17D3. You can even download a protractor from vinyl engine. Just don't print to scale when printing.
The XX2 MKII is as easy to setup than the 17D3 is. In my system neither the 17D2 MKII, or 17D3 comes close sonicly to the XX2 MKII. I think its closer in performence to the cartridges above it than the models below.
>>You sort of have to guess that the cartidge body is aligned with the cantilever on the 17D3<<

The cartridge body has nothing to do with cartridge alignment.

Only the cantilever.
>>an XX-2 has a 6mm cantilver length. the 17D3 only 1.7 mm.<<


See my previous post regarding alignment, cantilever, and cartridge body.