Back to basics

I would like to understand the process that deteriorates the surface of an LP and makes those "pops" and "clicks" appears forever. I know that there is friction involved when the stylus runs across the LP but will be great to go deeper (for example how interacts the stylus and LP materials and how that creates the problems that I mention -if thats the origin of those problems-). If there is a link where I can find what Im looking for will be perfect to know where to go.
Thanks Doug and Rodman99999 for your comments, Im learning a lot this last week. Good to know that there are several options to get rid of (almost) all that anoying sounds that I thought are inherent to LPs. This is another reason to return to analog and maybe never back to digital. Honestly this last 3/4 days I have been listening several LPs and found some of them that sounds like heaven, higher, MUCH higher that their similar digital counterpart.
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