Micro Seiki RX 5000

I just gor RX5000 from my uncle and I actualy wanna clean bearing and re-fill new oil for it, but I don'
t really know how to remove the platter from it frame. It's really heavy. Does anyone give me a clue for this?

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I believe this is a sealed oil bearing but I may be mistaken. Why do you think it needs service. If this has a pump and the platter wouldn't turn, it is probably a RX5000fv. If so do not try to turn the platter without the pump on and floating the platter.
Or maybe the pump is missing. If it will not turn or has a FV designation, don't force it!
The spindle should unscrew by hand. It may be frozen from age. Take it off without burring or scratching by using a cloth and light plier work. Lube it when putting back on.
I concur with Elizabeth but If I were you, I'd take the whole thing to a high end turntable specialist to bring back to full glory. I've been looking for one of these for a while. Good luck.