SRA Isolation Platform under a Turntable

Has anyone used a SRA iso platform under their turntable? I have heard that amps and preamp benefit greatly from the SRA iso bases, but do turntables reap the same benefits, or are the improvements smaller?

I am using the VR 3.0 bases under my preamp and amp. This is one of the best upgrades I have ever done, but the cost to put one under my VPI Aries 2 Extended TT is pretty high, so I would like to get some opinions.
Yes! I ordered an SRA VR3.0 for my Nottingham spacedeck and love it. I did try my nottingham with stillpoints and got increased detail that at times was a bit bright and fatigueing. I tried a maple butcher block, did improve over the standard "plinth" but did not have the detail of the still points. I got the SRA, which was made specifically for the nottingham spacedeck, and I got all the detail and more, increased base, much tighter, no fatigue, and bigger deeper soundstage. I like it a bunch. Highly recommended.
An SRA base under your turntable will likely be an instantly audible improvement!
The SRA bases under any audio component will make a clear difference and audible improvement as described above.