Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL

Has anyone heard both the Lyra Titan i and Olympos SL? Can he/she tell me the sonic differences between the two? Your comment is most appreciated. Thank you.
Syntax, Is that a huge, thick acrylic "mat" sitting atop the copper platter of your Micro Seiki tt, or is that the platter on another turntable situated right behind the Micro?
Myles_b-astor, the Titan i is one of the most successful and best designs in cartridge building, I have a demo sample which was delivered to Garrard (whatever that means and if it is really making a difference, who knows?). This one is playing very good. But also the Titan i Mono is a great design. I love it. If Lyra can beat the Titan i design in this price range I doubt a the moment they have some stocking problems as I heard.