What tonearm is recommended for the denon 103r

I know this has been covered before a million times, but I can't find one thread in which the title mentions this. Thank you.
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No kidding, if we could get Bill at Audiofeil and Larry at Hollywood Sound together we would be in tonearm heaven. Nice to have these guys around.
I don't want to Hi-Jack this thread but I am in the process of building a Lenco 75 .
I was thinking of getting a vpi 10.5i tonearm but it seems like the Triplanar and the Dynavector 507 mk II are the ones to use.
Has anyone tried the 10.5i tonearm with the 103r ?
I have purchase the 103r.


"With the 103r?!? Wow! Amazing what some folks think they know"

Probably more than you Dan ed - but then I never said it was lore, but physics and real life testing are valid.
I have been using the Thomas Schick with a dl103 and a Zu 103. It is very nice and was designed for the 103.
It is affordable, but very basic, and a little clumsey to set up.
It looks simple and vintage to me, I like that.
It plays music very well!