Loading for Air Tight PC-1 Supreme

Does anyone know what is the ideal loading for the Air Tight PC-1 Supreme cartridge? I cant seem to find any info anywhere
Dear Ianchang: The Dougdeacon advise to contact the manufacturers is a good one, here for Artemis: http://www.artemislabs.com/artemis-labs-contact-information.html

as a fact the Artemis comes ready to accept resistors on the step-up secondary.

Here you can contact Air Tight: Phone/Fax 072-678-0064.

I hope that you can have the right advise/support for them.

Regards and enjoy the music.
If the preamp comes set up with a stepup transformer, about the only means available is to load the secondary of the SUT. If set up right, the load will load the cartridge and the transformer for optimal results.

IME things are rarely 'set up right'. So its a good idea to load the cartridge at critical damping, and then load the transformer for critical damping too. This can be a bit tricky, but any technician with a square wave generator and a 'scope can do it.

You can also do it by ear, but the values you arrive at will be more approximate (this happens to be one of those nice cases where the test equipment and ears agree, BTW). FWIW, the correct load for the cartridge will be the same for a transistor preamp as it will for tubes, assuming that both otherwise have the standard 47K input.