Would Like To Hear From Strain Gauge Owners

I would like to hear from owners of Strain Gauge cartridges (particularly Soundsmith owners)as to how you like the strain gauge system compared to previous cartridges you have owned. Is there any drawbacks to the Soundsmith Strain Gauge system?

I am located in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Is there any Soundsmith Strain Gauge owners in the Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana area?

I read the review of the Strain Gauge system on Audiogon by Vac man. It was a very good review and answered many questions for me. I would like to hear from others who also own strain gauge cartridges.

Thanks in advance for any info that you can give me.
Dear Mosin: +++++ " found in the overall implementation of our work, not just in a single parameter of it. " +++++

I agree about and I not only understand but support that the quality audio performance on a unit is not only system dependent but a very complex one due to so many factors involved.

The RIAA subject on the SG theme comes because I heard that cartridge in a very good system and overall I don't like it ( I already posted the whys ) in the same way that other 2-3 persons in this thread does not like it either.

As a fact I really forgot the SG system ( in those times ) because for what I heard that product was/is not for me, suddenly I read the Agon review and the Slowhand thread and that's why I become interest on the subject again: learning about to grow-up!!!!

Then I made a " fast " search and I find that the SG system does not conform ( between other things ) according the RIAA eq. curve.
Then I read in the S-S site:
++++++ The Strain Gauge is a "displacement" device......which automatically compansates for the RIAA EQ. +++++
( how is that?, I was asking me: till today no one including the SG system designer can/could/want answer in a precise way that question. ) ( I have to say here that many months ago, I have the email, way before I heard the SG sytem I ask directly to MR. PL the same question with no answer yet. The claim that " something " automatically compensates for the RIAA eq. was something so exciting to read that I was really " moved " to learn in deep about. ) and finally Mr. PL posted a frequency SG system deviation of 2db from 50hz to 12khz, I have to say that I was a little disappoint with all these " findings ".

All these information and many other things told me that the differences/what I heard between a MC/MM cartridge performance against the SG system were/are mainly ( between other things ) to differences on frequency response due that the SG system does not conform according the standard RIAA eq. curve., that's all: very simple finding very simple facts.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear Peter,

I have been following with some interest your discourse re your Strain Gauge cartridge. I find some of the comments made, on this thread, and others on the same subject, are out of line, and off-base.

For myself, I just want to thank you for the superb retip you've done on my Dynavector XX2MKII, which I just got back a couple of weeks ago.

It's hard for me to understand how a new Sapphire cantilever, and superior stylus shape, could make such a profound improvement in how this cartridge now sounds, which to my ears, is far better than I recall it sounding when new.

I did send an email stating my appreciation to Craig @soundsmith.com, but I wasn't sure you got it. I wanted to make sure you got the word.

Thanks again, and best regards,
Slowhand, I've been running a Soundsmith Straingauge, Mk 2 version, with entry level SG-200 energiser.
What can I say? It's an amazing cart, easily besting all my prev incumbents (Roksan Shiraz, Lyra Skala and Parnassus, Transfiguration Temper and Orpheus, ESCCo modded Zu Denon 103).
It has a natural warmth thru the bass region, but not the euphonic colouration that makes other carts sound eartbound by comparison. Mids are clear and accurate. Treble esp really soars.
It deals brilliantly with surface noise, and it tracks like a bloodhound, nothing seems to shake it's resolve.
I'm running it on a direct rim drive tt w/ air bearing linear tracking arm, and the synergy is uncanny.
One major caveat - it really needs to be set up precisely esp wrt azimuth, or it can sound thin and bass light.
But get it right, and you're in for a treat. My keeper for life, after 20 yrs of struggling to find "the sound".