best support shelf/isolation device for a rega p9?

I have a p9 and it is in a softwood (cedar and pine) cabinet. I am looking for suggestions as to what others have tried for support and isolation. I've heard heavy granite may be worse than an ikea honeycomb lack shelf, I've heard aurios may work well on a maple cutting board, I've heard nueance shelves may be excellent. I have heard that sorbothane is not good. As you can see, I have heard ABOUT many things, but have not been able to try them yet. Would love to maximize the potential of the table.
I can't mount it on a wall shelf.
All advice welcome.
I am using a Target wall shelf with a black diamond racing shelf in place of the mdf one that comes with the Target under my p9(original series table with RB1000 arm in place of the RB900 that came with it). I took the stock feet off and am using stillpoints with the points up resting in the holes where the original screws were.

This works really well and I am getting minimal feedback on my system. Does not seem to suck any of the life out of the sound at all. My system is in between the speakers which is not ideal but it is still working fine.

The Rega or Target wall shelves would be your best bet I think.
I am using the platform from Tekna. It works very well. Any kind of isolation is mandatory to the P9.
I replaced the footer of my Rega P9 with TAOC TITE-35S. And rest it on their platform SCB-RS50G with TITE-25MF on the top shelf of Solidsteel 5.4 rack. They're as solid as rock and sound really good for me.