Hello All,

I have a top of the line Steamer, its on wheels, and is for heavy duty use. It doesnt run out of steam fast. It was a couple hundered bucks, its a Euro-Pro. Can this be used to clean LP's? I also have a VPI HW-16.5 Machine. Which way works better, and is steam cleaning LP's difficult? Thanks, Ray
Be careful about applying too much steam too long if it is for heavy duty use. It may cook the LP. I ruined about 5 of my LPs with my garment steamer. 4 of them old/junky but 1 in close to new condition. Ouch!
Try first with a junk LP.
mist or splatter protection is best solved by using a shield that was available on line for that exact purpose. I have one, don't remember its name. It is two shields that screw on to the record, covering both sides with a tight seal. It is acrylic with two o rings. Others must have one and they might remember its name. I recall it being about $30. I really does the job, especially if you using steam.