What loading do you use on your Dynavector XX2MKII

I'm using a Simaudio Moon LP5.3, and just changed the resistive loading from 100ohms to 10ohms. This seems to have balanced out the frequency response from being somewhat tipped-up in the treble, to a better balance with the mids and bass. I'm just curious to see what others are doing in similar circumstances.

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
>>Dynavector recommends 30<<

That is incorrect.

Dynavector recommends >30 ohms if you look closely.

In most applications I've found 100-200 ohms to be optimum loading for the XX2.

Dealer disclaimer.
I go back and forth between 100 and 200, depending on the recording. My McIntosh preamp lets me switch on the fly. In my system, anything under 100 is a little dull and lacks detail and bass impact.
Dear Dan: 100 Ohms seem to me almost right on that cartridge but if for you 10 Ohms works for the better then you are " done ", in your audio system you are the best "judge ".

Regards and enjoy the music.
I thank you all for your responses. Last night, I tried 470ohms, 100, and back down to 10ohms. 10ohms seems to work best for my equipment and temperament. Golden Imports Symphonies Nos. 1, "Nordic" and 3, Howard Hanson, sounded outstanding. I'll just stick with 10ohms for a while, it seems the best fit. There is no way to get between 10ohms and 100ohms, by the way.

Thanks to all,
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