TML 10: master: built their own turntable and arm and it kicks ass on everything commercially available. This is not by the individual's claim; the knowledge of this is gained only by word of mouth. Anyone who says he is, isn't; turn around and run as hard as you can.
TML 9: In business as an acknowledged leader in the field, one whose product is beyond reproach.
TML 8: this is the level most aspiring audiophiles will rise to- able to create the best performance from any turntable placed in front of him, has a good idea of what machines produce state of the art performance, can set up proper cartridge loading, complete arm setup regardless of model- proper attention to VTA, nuance in tracking weight, effective mass, etc.
OK- not sure if I can define anything below that... :)
TML 9: In business as an acknowledged leader in the field, one whose product is beyond reproach.
TML 8: this is the level most aspiring audiophiles will rise to- able to create the best performance from any turntable placed in front of him, has a good idea of what machines produce state of the art performance, can set up proper cartridge loading, complete arm setup regardless of model- proper attention to VTA, nuance in tracking weight, effective mass, etc.
OK- not sure if I can define anything below that... :)