Linn Sondek Isolation

Hi All,

I recently acquired a mid-80's Sondek. It's being tuned and will be back in my eagerly waiting hands in a few days. I will be putting the table in small wood audio cabinet.

Do I need to set the table on isolation feet or perhaps the entire audio cabinet?


If you can find one (good luck) get what I use. An Audiotech dedicated TT stand (I believe same were made in Italy). These were available in the 1980s and are brilliant.
The table is pretty sturdy. At the bottom are a Jolida 1501 integrated amp and the Jolida CDP as well as 1970's Yamaha receiver. It sits on carpet.

In a quick test, tt will move slightly if I jump up and down near the table, but does not wiggle if I walk near it.
Do you have an ikea in your area? If yes, buy yourself an ikea lack table.They are ridged four legged tables made of a light weight composite. If not go to HD or Lowe's and purchase heavy duty mounting brackets a thick piece of maple butcher block and wall mount the table. The Linn really is best suited for wall mounting and the ikea lack table is if you just can't.