VPI clamping system design flaw?

Heres a question for all of the VPI guys and gals on agon... with the VPI HW19, the clamping system leaves the record on a positive camber towards the spindle, is there a diffrent setuo that resolves this problem? VPI offers a number of upgraded clamps for this series of table but offers no detail about what the benefits are. Is this a design flaw? I now understand the appeal of a vaccum platter.
Their new ring works well but is expensive and you would probably have to upgrade your platter. I have had a vacuum table and not sure they are worth the trouble. I am getting one of the rings after seeing it on a friends Aries.
Thanks for the intel Mark. I took the platter apart and looked at the spindle and the bearing. After reassembly I used a small spirit level and slowly cranked on the clamp until the lp was level. I was applying too much force.
Here's an easier method. Try tapping the back or your fingernail on the edge of the record. At some point you will clearly hear that the record is completely "seated". too little or too much and you will hear the difference.
