What cartridges under $800 outperform DL-103R?

I have a brass plate on my nude DL-103 and I'm ready for a change. I'm looking for more air and ambiance, but don't want to sacrifice extension on either end.

I'm debating whether to try Uwe's Panzerholz body on a 103R, or try something altogether different like a Dynavector 20XH, Sumiko Blackbird, Lyra Dorian, Zyx R50 Bloom. I had a Benz Glider L2 (0.4 mV) for a while, but didn't find it any better than the 103R. My tonearm is Micro Seiki MA-707.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I own a 103R. I also recently sold my ZYX Airy 3. While the Airy 3 was better, especially tonally, I don't think it was as much as you'd expect given the price difference. My opinion is the 103R is a great cartridge that belies it's price, as opposed to the reverse. I owned a Shelter 501MkII that I liked as much or better than the 103R. I also just bought a Shelter 901 for $600 with the top shelf Soundsmith modifications (3 levels available on their website for your 103R or buy one already moidifed- That should tell you what Peter Lendermann thinks of them) but I've not had a chance to mount it yet.
Most are unfamiliar with the Denon DL-S1 for about a $1000 probably available for $800. I have to say honestly I have not done a direct comparison and only have a menoty of the 103R. My sense is the top Denon does most everything better and opinions available rate it a true value in high end cartridges. I'm not sure what best is since all have plus's and minus's. In my really high end system I have settled on the DL-S1 as a real world cartridge that does as well as anything else I have heard even remotely close in price. Zu does Denon mods and I have called and pleaded with the designer to work his magic on the DL-S1. He says he has thought of it and wants to try. If he does, I'll probably buy one on the strength of the two.

Feel free to ask me any questions, I'll try to answer honestly.

Thanks for your notes on the Denon DL-S1. I've often wondered if that cart would be a more refined 103 or 103r, but as you said, it's rarely reviewed, even on the blogs (occasionally someone will seek an opinion on VA, but only the crickets respond).

I personally own a (couple) of 103rs, a 103, a 103r w/VdH ruby cantilevered re-tip, and just yesterday received a Zu 103r (factory-direct half price-300.00, barely more than a stock 103r). Have yet to mount the Zu so can't comment, but the VdH has taken some getting-used-to: much more detail, but a bit strident, and seems to lack some of the warmth of the stock 103 variants. However, it may still be breaking in, and I am enjoying it more than I did initially.

I'm curious if the S1 would fit in a 'Uwe' wooden body, or if Uwe would make one to fit. It might be tough to do mods on a 1k cart, but the results could be amazing.

Again, thanks for the post. The S1 may be in my future.
I hope it works out for you. Was listening last night after writing my response and again realized how wonderful it all sounded. Comes a point where I enjoy just listening and telling myself it is good enough for right now, kind of the zen approach.
I have compared the DL-S1 to the 103r zyx airy 3 and shelter 501mkII side by side. Probably comes down to personal preference (and budget)as always. Here's what I heard. The DL-S1 was more refined with better resolution tighter base than the 103R. The Shelter was more "musical" than them both giving up a slight amount of resolution and soundstage precision. The Airy 3 was tonally better and matched the DL-S1 in every other way except a slight degree of soundstage width. Of them all the Shelter 501MKII was my favorite. It goes for about $500 used. A used DL-S1 sold for $600 a few weeks ago. The Airy 3 go for $1600 used. I'm now trying a Shelter 901 with Soundsmith upgrades (similar to ZU). My initial reaction is it's better than everything else I've tried but I'm having arm compatibility issues that may not be solvable. S

If $100 difference is a lot to you the 103R will be your best value. The Shelter 501 MKII or DL-S1 will both impress at only $200-$300 more used. After that the improvements will be slight for a lot more $.