Benz LP and SUT's...

For those of you who own or have owned the Benz LP cartridge, I'm wondering what step up transformers you have used with it?

Have you ever compared different SUT's with it?

Which ones worked well and which ones not so well?

Thank you for sharing your experiences with me and Merry Christmas to you all.
No Regrets

The TW does not use a SUT at all. It is pure tube. I think it is a FET current source but not sure. From what I understand, there are 2 impedanxes. The coil impedance & load. You need to accomodate both. I also use a Souther SUT in a different phono stage (I have 4). Mine is for a 3-5 ohm coil impedance. Adjusting the load can be done but isn't very audible. My phono stage has the load adjustable to ground. I would definitely look to change the Coil impedance to 40 ohm if you can on your phono.

Thank you so much for sharing the experiences you have had with the various Rubys. I have heard good praises in regards to the Bent Mu and trannies from the Stevens and Billington as well, but had no idea if any of those would work with the Benz LP. I will be sending John Chapman an email tonight and see what he has to say about his new step ups and the cartridge. Thanks for trying to help me understand this a little more.

Hi Brianhutch,

Thank you for your response. I think I may not have been clear in regards to how I wrote my previous post...I'm using the Artemis Labs Ph-1 which only has about 50db or so of gain and no step ups. The Pl-1 is basically the same as mine but has buildt in Sowter step up transformers. Sorry for the confusion.

So I'm curious about the TX103 and the Lundahl 1931. Do you think that either of these will work with my Ph-1?
Would I be able to get the proper loading by changing the loading resistors on the back of the phonostage or does the loading happen prior to the stepup?

Thanks again,
Hi Don
No problems using the ph1 loading connectors as they load across the inputs which will be your transformers secondary or output windings,and a chat with either Kevin or John is never lost time.Kevin sells a very high quality adjustable loading module and you can flip resitors in and out of the circuit in seconds its super handy,I love the unit he fitted in my new phono and plan on installing one in the older phono I assembled myself.You can decide where it sounds best in seconds.
Hi Don,

I thought I would add my comments about SUTs. I don't have a Benz LP cartridge but I've compared several SUTs using a Lyra Olympos cartridge. These comparisons were done with an Artemis Phono-Pre PH-1 (the best phono-pre I've heard with MC and MM cartridges.) I first combared some S&B, Tribute and Lundell SUTs. I loaded each of these SUTs differently to get the best sound possible for each SUT. They all had different turns ratios. After doing this, I thought the Lundell SUT was the best of the three with the Tribute coming in a close second. The S&B SUTs were just plain horrible.
Later I got a chance to listen to SUTs made by Dave Slagle of Intact Audio. These SUTs had a 1:27 turns ratio. Again, I loaded them to my taste. The Intact Audio SUTs were much better than the Lundells. No suprise, all the Intact Audio iron I've used in my preamps and amps was vastly superior to any other iron.
The Intact Audio SUTs stayed in my system until Mike Sanders of Quicksilver stopped by my place with a pair of his Quicksilver SUTs. Again, I loaded them to taste and I was surprised. They sounded better than the Intact Audio SUTs. The turns ratio on the Quicksliver was 1:13 while the turns ratio of the Intatct Audio SUTs was 1:27.
Later I was talking with Dave Slagle about the fact that his SUTs got beat. He thought a better comparison would be to compare the QuickSilver SUTs with a pair of Intact Audio SUTs with a 1:13 turns ratio. So Dave sent me a pair of Intact Audio SUTs with 1:13 turns ratio to compare to the QuickSilver SUTs with their 1:13 ratio. The Intact Audio SUTs with the 1:13 turns ratio sounded much better than the QuickSilver SUTs with a 1:13 turns ratio.
I also had a chance to listen to some vintage Leak SUTs thanks to a friend. These were very good but they were not as good as the Intact Audio pair. My friend told me that the Leaks were the best he had heard period. When I told him the Intact audio SUts were better, I don't think he believed me. However after listening to both, he agreed that he Intact Audio SUTs were better. He called Dave Slagle about a week later to order a pair. He also sent the Leak SUTs to Dave to measure.
Anyway Don, it might be worth your time to try a pair of Intact Audio SUTs. Dave is great to talk to! He can also give you some tips on loading. Hope this helps.
