We Need an Affordable Record Flattener

Dear audio industry:

The vinyl loving public at large could use an LP flattener that is affordable, say $500 or less. The DIY method apparently works fine but for those of us with gas ovens and/or those who don't trust ourselves trying to get it right without getting it wrong, an alternative would be great to have. It seems that a great number of new LP releases have at least a slight warp on the outside of the album if not worse and a device to eliminate that would be a great thing to have. From what I can tell by looking at the $1000 plus units that are out there, it's not a device that requires a huge amount of R&D or rocket science grade components.

Hopefully some of you agree with me out there, I would think that it's a great opportunity for someone...
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If you find a good record for 99 cents that would be perfect except for a little warp why would you not want to flatten it out if it was easy and the cost was low. The 2 pieces of glass I use in my oven works great. However, as stated above, if it is a big one it won't help. It may flatten out but the grooves will be distorted.
Viridian, my apologies, I was simply joking around, as I believe you were in your post. My bad. My sense of humor borders on the caustic at times (much to my detriment) so please bear with me!
The local solution I have found is a record shop that has one of the thousand dollar flatteners, and for a fee, they will flatten your records.... Which brings me to my next rant: I swear to god, out of the last 40 'audiophile' records I have purchased, a dozen have been warped or 'dished', and at 40 bucks a pop, that is simply unacceptable! I bought a copy of ansermet royal ballet ($80)!!! got it home, dished like a cereal bowl!! The store took it back, ordered me another, and guess what? It is dished as well!!!! The oficial story is : 'it must have been a bad batch' at eighty bucks a pop, I expect at least a modicum of quality control. I think vinyl in general is frustrating enough to deal with without having to take crap from manufacturers!!! ARRRRGH! okay, time for a xanax.