SPU Royal N on an SME V arm?

Hi all,
anyone that has experience to relate about an Ortofon "SPU Royal N" (naked no SPU head-shell) on a SME V tonearm?

Using a ML326S preamp with 326S phono-boards and PASS 350.5 with Burmester 961 (modified)
You would be best off to match w. an Ikeda or SME 3012. Any high mass arm would be much better.
Thank you Dgad,
now we just gotta find one of these jewels :-)
BUT I'm sure no 12" arm is gonna go onto that SME 10 of mine... and both mentioned just happen to be right that.

I guess it's back to the drawing board.
Get an Ikeda IT345, the 9 inch version. There is one here. I am listing my 12 inch but in your case the 9 inch is best. It should match. Or an FR 64 but I forget which is the high mass one, but I think the 64X is low mass. Also excellent and a few listed on Agon. You just need a high mass headshell w. it. Some like the FR arms better than the Ikeda, although I have no experience.
Hi Dgad,
I'll truly have to ponder throwing my SME-V for some Ikeda, or FR, good as they where and as scarce as chicken teeth to boot.

Thanks for sharing though,
The FR64S has the highest mass, while the FR64-fx has somewhat lower mass. Both FRs are long out of production. The S-series is more sought-after, but tends to sound worse unless you need the extra mass (damping the armtube helps significantly).

The Ikeda IT345 is closer to the fx than the S, and it can be had in a detachable headshell version (like the FRs) or with integrated one-piece armtube. Build-quality is better than that of the FRs, and I like the sound better, too (even the detachable headshell version). The Ikeda is currently in production, so you simply need to locate a dealer.

All of these have dynamic (helical spring-loaded) VTF capabilities. hth.