TW Acustic Raven One owners

Hello Guys,

I have bought one month ago a TW Acustic Raven One and I have mounted a new Michell Tecnoarm I'm breaking-in with my Grado Statement Master 0.4mv cartridge
I'm very happy about the TW , for me it's a great TT telling the true not the best looking TT but surely one of the good sounding out of there.
Speaking about the arm since it was a new one and I haven't finished to break-in (only 40 hours done) I can only say it smells like a good sounding arm .. expecially good silver cabled

What your arm on this TT? .. and how about your experiences about Raven One - Arm combo?

Happy New Vinyl Year to EveryOne!

For me the TW Acustic Raven is the best that I have owned so far, delivered 6 month's ago.

Graham Phantom B-44 arm, Dynavector XV-1s, ASR Exclusive phono stage with XLO Signature two-3.2 phono cable.

Vinyl play back for my wife and I is certainly a thrill, more so then at anytime in our 28 year history together.

BTW regarding the Still Point feet, put effort into precisely leveling your table leaving the feet slightly loose, do not tighten them.
They work extremely well this way.

Mark & Donna
Hello Mark & Donna,

Donna .. what a nice name for a woman! I like it alot
I didn't know that Oem Stillpoints matter .. I have levelled the slate base so I haven't used the TT foot
Btw even if you tight the new foot the are a bit loose too
I checked with a stethoscope (I'm a Med Doc. so I have a very good one) and the Raven is really silent and incredibly deaf , when I tried I didn't believe this silent level was possible
I think the Graham Phantom B-44 should be the best choice
I 'll try to find one used around next year :-)

Thanks for your opinion Mark
Kiss Donna and Happy New Vinyl Year to you two


She thanks you for the complement and yes I will.

We send you wishes for a Great New Year.

Mark & Donna
I am using a Graham Phatom II with a Dynavector XX-2. I have not tried other arms. I agree with Mark that keeping the Stillpoint feet slightly loose (i.e., not tightened against the bottom of the TT) does make a difference and I was surprised at the results.

Personally I like the looks of the Raven -- simple and well built.

Hi Gabriele,

First of all Happy New Year to you, Mark and Dave as it's altready 2009 here in Australia. ;)
Thanks for the tip about loosening the Stillpoint feet BTW.

I got my Raven One just before you after a 4 months wait. Worth the long wait and some. Understated and solid engineering.Nice.

I'm using a 10.5 inch Jelco S arm ( similar to the Vivid but obviously longer) with an Ortofon Kontrapunkt B at the moment but i feel the Jelco arm is holding back the performance somewhat.

But i did order a Graham Phantom B44 back in early August soon after i ordered the table mainly due to views expressed by others and the popularity of the pairing. I'm hopeful of getting it soon and hopefully it will bring another level of all round improvement. On top of that i also bought a mint Micro Seiki MA 505 Mk 3 tonearm on impulse from a HK ebay seller this week. The table will be a Raven 2 soon enough and it will be interesting to compare them.

Interestingly, i've noticed you're interested in the AT33PTG too on another thread as i just bought one from ebay this week after procastinating for a few months.
It's a popular choice on and that's how i became aware of it after going through the giant Raven one thread there.

In the long run, i might go for a Dynavector XV1s when my bank balance has recovered from all the upgrade.
