Donaudio, I have a VPI with the Walker Delrin tube change. This allows the water to be removed in one rotation of the record. I had been using the Walker Prelude also, all four stages. So each record involved 8 vacuumings. It did a very good job, however, and was far faster than when I used the Loricraft cleaner, when it basically took me 20 minutes per record.
I just got the Audio Desk. It is at least as good as the VPI and hands off for about 4 minutes. It is loud so I would put it in another room, but you can go back to your listening while it cleans and turns itself off when done. I am still evaluating whether it is better than the VPI/Walker. I know it is better than the straight VPI.
I just got the Audio Desk. It is at least as good as the VPI and hands off for about 4 minutes. It is loud so I would put it in another room, but you can go back to your listening while it cleans and turns itself off when done. I am still evaluating whether it is better than the VPI/Walker. I know it is better than the straight VPI.