Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
Donaudio, I have a VPI with the Walker Delrin tube change. This allows the water to be removed in one rotation of the record. I had been using the Walker Prelude also, all four stages. So each record involved 8 vacuumings. It did a very good job, however, and was far faster than when I used the Loricraft cleaner, when it basically took me 20 minutes per record.

I just got the Audio Desk. It is at least as good as the VPI and hands off for about 4 minutes. It is loud so I would put it in another room, but you can go back to your listening while it cleans and turns itself off when done. I am still evaluating whether it is better than the VPI/Walker. I know it is better than the straight VPI.
Thanks a lot. I am beginning to think of selling the HW-17 and getting the Audio Desk. Don
Any one have trouble getting the record to rotated with the Audio Desk? Probably one record in three initially does not rotate until I tap it. A few will not continue to rotate. Still the AD is very convenient and does a good job.

I am following the instructions to insert the record and to lightly press it down through the slight resistance and then rotating counter clockwise to get the flaps up on the record. Often in this rotation, I then have to once again push downward.
I had the same thing happen to me in the beginning. I think that the edge of the record was binding a bit on the edge of the slot, but not sure. Anyway, the problem seemed to work itself out. I have about 300 records "in the bag" and it doesn't bind at all anymore.

I did notice that the unit doesn't want you pushing down on the record when you place it in the slot...simply set it in and push the button. Secondly, the instructions call for you to rotate the record slightly counter-clockwise once the record is set. You will find that this procedure works wonders if the slight rotation is performed immediately after the brush heads initially move into the record to measure its thickness. Those heads then move away for several seconds. if you can slightly rotate the record then, you will find that it almost never has problems.

I have had 2 records that had issues with reliably rotating. The thing I noticed about both were: they both had very "sharp" edges and were "cheap" records and both were dished. I think that the dishing may confuse the thickness detection routine causing too large of a gap and insufficient traction to turn the record.
Chosenhandle, thanks so very much by your findings. I will try what you suggest tonight.