Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
Honestly, most problems will be shown when a lot of records have to cleaned.
Audiophiles who can afford the expensive units mostly have new records with some dust in it. No big deal normally.
I thought about that unit too but I didn't follow the idea when I thought about it. My problem is, I owned a Keith Monks for some time, now the german counterpart - Odyssey - and I closed that chapter. Cleaning time is no priority for me. Thanks for your experience.
I had this unit and had one problem with it, which I was told have to resolved. Ultimately, my unit stopped rotating the record as one of the drive capstans got loose and did not turn. Other than this and an occasional instance of not really getting the lips in the upward position, it was perfectly functional and certainly the most convenient record cleaner I have used.

Can you guys elaborate on what problems you have with the unit?

Syntax, I assume you had the old version of the Keith Monks. How would you compare the Odyssey with it? I understand that it is much faster. I had the Loricraft for several years. When I went to using the Walker Prelude four step cleaning, which I found most effective, it was taking me 15 minute per record to clean them!!!! I now have the VPI 16.5 with the Walker Delrin tube that vacuums the fluid off in one rotation, so the total cleaning time is down to less than five minutes. I still do twenty at a time, however, since the enzyme fluid has a limited life.
My unit rollers are not rotating! Has anyone experienced this problem? Send an email to Audiodesk Systeme but no response.
Ical, I did and returned my review sample. I was told that it was the glue holding them and had been fixed. Is yours an older one?
It just a few months old so it should be new version. I bought mine from a shop in Singapore where I live. Sad to say the distributor here are not very helpful about it and it will not be jusify for me to pay the return shipping cost to Germany. As some have mentioned, it's a very nice machine when it's working, but now it not. Sent a few emails to Audiodesk and there's no response at all. A real disappointment.