Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
I wonder how many are using the AudioDesk Vinyl Cleaner with no problems. This is, far and away, the easiest way to clean your records, and I would use it were it reliable.
Recently local dealer was kind to offer an exchange of a brand new set since they just received a batch of new shipment. 3 sets brand new out of the box, none works! First set: rollers not moving. Second set: the water doesn't pump up. Third set: Doesn't turn on at all. That's how unreliable it is. I finally gave up and asked for a replacement of a different RCM. a
Ical, that is very disappointing. I don't have one any longer and have a VPI with the delrin tube, but I still have not cleaned any records since I sent the Vinyl Cleaner back. I guess I am going to have to bite the bullet.

Sorry, I should have clarified that my little rant (" jewelry) was in response to Thuchan's note on the LR1 unit, not the AudioDesk.

But the reports about the poor reliability of the Ultrasonic cleaner are disappointing. I have thought about building a similar cleaner, only using Megasonic transducers instead of Ultrasonic units which can pit and etch vinyl and other materials.
It's a big disappointment. A great machine but only when it's working. With it's reliability problem and very poor after sales service, I strongly don't recommend this machine, especially at this price. However, I'll still consider if he come out with a new and better machine that manage to solve all the issue.