Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaning System

Can anyone comment on the Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner?
I just came across this today on the web when I did a search on ultrasonic vinyl cleaner. I am looking for a quiet record cleaning machine. I have a nitty Gritty machine but it is too noisy.
Mem916, how long can the fluids stand in the Vinyl Cleaner? What is really nice is to have it in another room. You can put a record in and go listen. When you want you can go back and get a cleaned record.

I have heard that they have made a great effort to deal with this complex machine's problems.
Is there any further update on the more recent units as far as reliability is concerned? I think if the current unit does not have any major problem, it would an excellent cleaner to get.
Suteetat, I bought a new Audio Desk Vinyl Cleaner. Of course it may take many hundred of records cleaned for me to know that it is more reliable. But I have great confidence that new runs are more reliable; otherwise I would not have bought it.
Thanks for the comment. That sounds promising. At least no one else is complaining further about reliability problem. I will have to start looking into one soon perhaps.