Ciao Siniy,
I didn't want to shock someone here with a "bold statement" I'm not that kinda audiophile or person!
We have just compared my lightly modified SL1210 MKII with the EMT 948 of Giuseppe one of our audiophile friends
Telling the truth no one in our group thoughts a 500 euro humble SL1210 could sound like a mint 5000 euro EMT 948
But the "ugly duckling" scored the same sound.
Obviously my SL1210 received a very fine tuning with a MintLP tractor while I don't think Giuseppe own a MintLP for his EMT.
As many here know .. the MintLP tractor improves to stellar level the stock SL1200 arm - cartridge alignement and so the sound consequent.
Probably the great result has to be ascribed at the perfect cartridge alignement more than the normal quality of a humble SL12xx
Btw .. God save MintLP and SL1200 :-)