David Gilmour Live in Gdansk

Just got finishing with the debut of my new phono preamp using Dave Gilmour's new album to test it out. I am not sure if it was the new ZYX artisan or the sonics on the album, but wow. Background noise was just not there. The sonics are as good if not better than most of my albums including my direstraits halfspeed master. (my reference disk until now) I am listening to some other albums including Joni Mitchells Blue and Dylans/Band Planet waves to see if it was just the album or the new phono preamp. They sound pretty good also. My previous preamp was a Rotel 970 so i expected a significant change. So far have not been dissappointed
Just got my copy will clean it soon and hear what the excitement is all about with this lp set. Not just Oilmanumojos feelings but all others i have read on the net.
There is no doubt the sonic gains you are experiencing is the ZYX phono stage.
This is easily proven, just re-install your Rotel and listen again.

I believe the phono stage IS the soul of a table, arm and cartridge.

On a different note.
We have seen David Gilmour live two years ago, both concerts at a small venue, seating for about 2000 at Massey Hall Toronto Canada.
....Absolutely fabulous!

Live at Ggansk Poland should be thrilling.
I prefer live recording's to studio productions especially with Pink Floyd, the band needs tremendous room to breath.

The British first release are the one's to experience.

If you have seen them live, most definitely they go to great lengths to nail the sonics down where ever they play.

David Gilmour live at Massey hall was really something to experience.

Gilmour with Pink Floyd.
Most memorable was their Dark Side of the Moon tour, no other Rock band back then including many years later came close to the work they put into their sonic production.


In case you are interested in the production of "Live in Gdansk", there is an interview with the Pink Floyd's sound engineer at RecordProduction. There are a few photos of the Studio he uses.

Gilmour with Pink Floyd.
Most memorable was their Dark Side of the Moon tour, no other Rock band back then including many years later came close to the work they put into their sonic production.

I agree.