MC for MusicHall MMF2.2

I would like to get a MC. I am thinking the Denon DL-160 or the Benz Micro MC20E2-H. Are these a good fit for my arm?
Also, I have the Turntable Basics cartridge alignment tool.
Will this be good enought to align the new cartridge?
I want to thank all of you for the interesting and very knowledgeable info you are offerring me. I wish I had found this site before my purchase. I knew 20 years ago that the Axis was a very good TT. I did not get the impression that the MusicHall was such a slouch from what research I did do.
Claims of audiophile performance at a good price helped sway me. I figured after 20 years a newer, quality table would be a good choice. The technology for a TT is pretty much the same then as now and I should have realized that I did, still, have a jewel of a TT in the Axis.
The 2.2 is performing well. Especially with the speed control and the TT weight. I don't much care for the Tracker cartridge, hence the post for a better one'
I bought my entire system when I bought the Axis and although not Audiophile, at the time I was pretty impressed. Carver M500T amp with the C1 preamp,
Bose 901,originally a Nakamichi CD player, and I now have the Sony 595 SACD. I also purchased a Yaqin Hybrid Tube Buffer that has really helped with my sound. A large portion of my LP collection is German pressing ECM jazz and they would sound good on any system. I really want to upgrade my speakers to something like the Vandersteen 1C's.
Linn gave me the name of a dealer to contact for the Linn overhaul so I am going to see about that.
again, I appreciate all your help.
Ed, from reading your other posts I do appreciate what you have to say however blunt it might be. You know better than I.
"...Tracker cartridge, hence the post for a better one." If you decide to keep the mmf-2.2 (nothing wrong with having two turntables :-) then you might find a Goldring 10xx series cartridge for a reasonable price. I upgraded from the Tracker to a 1012GX (got a good deal) on my 2.1 and it was a good match and made a dramatic improvement. Also, I found that a good platter mat (I like the Herbie's Way Excellent mat) helped to reduce background/surface noise and improve definition, bass lines in particular.

In any case, have fun!

Thanks for your comments here. I was thinking of getting a Project Debut III but I think I'm going to look for a used P3 or a LP12. I'm patient so when the right deal comes along I'm going to hop on it.
Ed is correct your Linn with a Rega arm is an excellent combination and as Ed says equal to or better than anything under a $1,000.
kevmaster, a used Rega P3 is an good choice easy to setup,trouble free and excellent sound. The LP12 (and I use one as my main table)requires an investment in time and energy to setup correctly and if it needs parts or you want to modify it,it can get very expensive quickly. On the other hand mine is over 30 years old and still functioning well with great sound. Have fun with your choice in either case.
Just one suggestion before you start spending a lot of money. Try a Herbies mat on the Music Hall. When I got back into analog, my first tt was a Music Hall MMF5. The Herbies mat transformed it more than I could have imagined. When I decided to buy a high-end vinyl rig, I tried the Herbies mat on my Linn and much preferred the standard felt mat. Try a Herbies.