Horrible Squee-gy Noise from Stylus


All of the sudden I'm hearing a squeegy like noise during play back. As if I were dragging my hands across wet glass. I dont recall this happening with any other table or cartridge I owned. I've checked with well over 20 albums to make sure it wasnt any specific label/pressing company/etc.

I'm using the MMF7 with the factory installed Goldring cartridge. Its just started in the past few plays (and the albums I used to confirm). The cartridge probably as 15 hours on it--max.

Can anyone help here? I'm freaking out.
I checked everything, set up is fine, stylus tip appears to be fine to me. cleaned it, still the same awful sound, sounds like it may even be damaging the record.

So bummed out. I dont really think I'm gonna have the money to replace it with a cartridge near that price.
Let us know where you live and perhaps a kind, elderly audiophile will come to your rescue - 4 ears are better than two...

Please let us know what's happening once you figure it out.
Good luck.
If anyone would be willing to come look at my set up that would be very helpful.

I live in Newport, KY. Very near Cincinnati, OH. Its a modest system, but it keeps me really happy.

I will certainly keep you guys informed of any improvements/developments.

I'm in your area. Maybe I can help you. I'll try to send you an e-mail so we can talk.
