
A quick question. I bought the mintlp for my Scout but due to work and the holidays I haven't had time to work with it yet. Tonight I put it on the spindle and set the needle down just to see what I was dealing with. I clearly see about a 5 degree counterclockwise difference, maybe more, from what the mintlp says I should have and what it's set at now. I see this looking at the lines on the mintlp and comparing that to the front edge of the cartridge body. Would that be considered a huge difference?
My plans are to set aside a couple of hours this weekend to set it up correctly. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Hello Hevac1,

As Tvad probably remenbers I was one of the more sceptical about the MintLP Best Tractor used on my Technics SL1210 MKII and we had a long debate here about this relatively new glass template.
Well .. now I'm a MintLP addict :-) and not only I bought the one for the Technics but I also bought one for my Michell Tecnoarm and both worked "Simply Magical" on the SL and on the TW Acustic Raven One .. I guess two very different arms.. don't you agree?
Curio I remember, there were a few skeptics and I admit I was a little skeptical myself.

One of the biggest skeptics was could anything be more accurate then his VPI protractor....

As you know he finally wore down and ordered one and came back with a thread of his own apologizing for being so skeptical.
I remember it well because I got such a kick out of what he said....
From there Stringreens thread filled up with testimonials and serious discussion of the Mint tractor.

Hevac I know you have a Phantom arm and I am quite familiar with the fantastic Graham set up jigs.
However believe it or not the Mint will take set up to a whole other level.

Audiofeil, Great idea for a dealer to do, supply Mint Tractors with your sales of tables.....
I have the Graham Phantom and the Mint protractor for the Phantom.
There is no question that the Mint tractor does a better job in aligning the stylus v the Phantom jig. The sound has less distortion, expecially during the last 3rd of the LP.
Yip's customer service is especially good.

The Mint is not as great as the Wally tractor IMO. Two main difference's being the ability to choose between Loefgren or Baervald arc's.
The Wally has laser etching of the arc's and aligment lines, rather than lines behind a plastic cover.
The bad point ( an probably overiding point) is that Wally's customer service is suspect to say the least.

Wally does make a great mutli arc protractor for gents with more than one arm.