78 RPM turntable

I just recently bought a truck load of old 78s from an estate sale. I haven't had the time to even go through them yet. The ones I have are in mint condition. I mean thick records that you could hit someone over their head and not even break them. My problem is finding a turntable that will play these 78s as well as 33s. Anybody have any suggestions?
You bought a bunch of records that you have no way to play?!?

Man! You've got the audiophile disease really bad! :-)
not even break them...? Trust me they break and more often then you can keep them from not.
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This one! They list at $400 and are well-reviewed at that price. Plus, it has a +/- 20% speed adjustment, which could adjust for the wide variety of mastering speeds on old 78s. The detachable headshell makes it easy to switch between a 78 and an LP cartridge.

Plenty good for 78s and not bad for LPs either.