Can we go back to 33's please?

Yes, I know we have a million records cut at 33.3, but now, I guess in an attempt to have a "super premium" image, some lables are cutting reissues at 45 rpm. I know Levinson did it way back - I have those and they sound great. The only thing is, I have many 33s that also sound great. I really don't feel like hassling with cleaning and storing 2 discs for each album and getting up every 10 minutes to change sides. I really think equal or at least almost equal quality can be achieved on 33. Listen to anything on Stockfisch, Opus3, Tacet, Naim. They do a great job with it. Not to mention many older RCA Red Seals and such. Is there anyone here who believes that 45 has the magic 33 lacks - all things equal?

Maybe it's my system - Linn, Rega RB700, Argo, is not capable of ferreting out the nuances of some other tables? Perhaps you folks with Caliburns believe 45s are the way to go? If not - tell the record companies and they might listen. I don't want to get up every 10 minutes. Sorry.
Agree with Thomasheisig:The original RCAs sound better than the re-issues.Must be the original tube driven units-more natural/organic.Especially "Bob n Ray".
I believe the analogy between running reel-to-reel decks holds true for analog:The faster, the better.
I loved Harry Belafonte,but the 45 re-issue has a smoother response and better detailing.Just LOVE:Jamaican Farewell.
Regarding some comments on the 45 rpm RCA classical reissues, I continue of the opinion that the Classic Records 45rpm reissues are vastly superior to the originals (that I've been able to hear) and superior to any of the 33 rpm reissues. Not to offend those who love the originals, which definitely have an appeal for being warm, smooth and luscious, but to my ears the originals also sound compressed, congested and rolled off. If you're a classical music lover and you haven't heard some of these 45 rpm Classic Records reissues, it's worth finding a friend who has some and taking a listen. (Anyone near Richmond, Virginia, is welcome to listen here.) As with all things, some are better than others simply because the recording and master tapes are better.

Four Classic Records 45 rpm RCA reissues to recommend: the Rozsa Violin Concerto with Heifetz (LSC 2767-45); the Vieutemps Violin Concerto No. 5 with Heifetz (LSC 2603-45); the Royal Ballet Gala Performances (LSC 2327-45); and the Sibelius Finlandia with Mackerras (LSC 2336-45).
Rushton I agree , Classic Records have done a few exceptional 45 rpm re-issues that really do stand out and are treasures.

Pure Pleasure is another company with some absolutely fabulous re-issues.
Too bad Speakers Corner and Pure Pleasure don't release more select titles in 45 rpm and single side at that.
Agree totally with Rushton on the RCA Classic 45's; i have them all and play them frequently. i also have some of the RCA originals and the 45's are a whole new level of musical energy and information.

A few of them are slightly 'hot' on top for my vdH Colibri (which itself is a bit tipped up) and i turn down my tweeter gain.

a few others besides those 4 Rush mentions that i really enjoy are the Mussorsky, 'Pictures'; the Rimsky-Korsakov, 'Shaherazade', and the Heifetz 'Brahms Violin Concerto'.

If you ever wanted to demonstrate what high end audio can be to someone who has never heard a high end system; these 45's played on a quality tt will do it. or show a digital fan how a tt can sound. the 45's are pretty, set and match (except for master tapes from The Tape Project).

for Classical lovers my favorite 45rpm demo disc is the first disc for 'The Royal Ballet'. breathtaking!

for rock fans i ask what is their favorite Led Zepplin cut? the 45rpm box set has them all. we might play the cd, then the excellent Classic 33 rpm version, and then the 45. the 45 makes the 33 sound dead and flat in comparison. the 45 LZ set energizes every molecule in the room. they are a force of nature. way more information.

yeah, the 45's basically rule.

don't get me wrong; i love 33's and the best DTD 33's can be on the same level as 45's to some degree. 33's have nothing to apologize for.

the better your vinyl system is; the more headroom a 45 has to operate in. lower noise floor, more ability to communicate space and dynamic contrasts, deeper bass, more top end air. i can understand why some people are not as 'taken' by 45's as others. but that is true of any type of software; as any system matures more information is revealed. the big thing about 45's is just how much information is there to be found.
As to the OP-seems like an odd objection on the face of it. Virtually (I'm being conservative-I'd imagine *all*) of the 45rpms being released have a 33 1/3 original, and most have many 33 1/3 reissues. i.e., the OP should just buy the 33 1/3 rpm issues of the 45 rpm records that he loathes so. Sometimes what we perceive as issues-just ain't.