Why? Why not treat yourself once and awhile? I have both excellent originals and 45 reissues of Prokofiev's Scythian Suite/Oranges (Mercury), Reiner's Mussy Pics at Exhibition, Saint Saens/Munch Organ Symphony and Ravel/Munch Daphnis. (RCA) Hear it now and hear it loudly: with one exception, the 45rpms beat the heck out of the originals in matters of transparency, lower noise floor, sense of huge acoustic space, (easily heard in soft passages), tighter bass, silky strings and--most important--the retention of the ineffable "boogie factor" of the originals, something I missed in the corresponding 33rpm reissues. The exception is the Munch/Daphnis: there is not the stunning increase in transparency, the untangling of lines in complex and thick writing, (such as the final climax of the Daybreak), that the other 45's exhibit. It may simply be that the master tape is congested in those places to begin with. My lowly cart sure likes them. (Dyna 20 XL)