I received the 2M Red today, and just got it set up a little bit ago. I'm busy burning it in right now. Through an MMF7 with stock Pro-ject arm and wiring. (My first experience with setting up a cartridge, I found it to be a simple but potentially endless process, for a tweaker)
Initial opinions:
Excels at demonstrating light horns, and brass. Reasonably apt at creating a nice vocal stage, its smooth but forward. I like that. It does lack the room-filling body that you might gain with a nicer package. I'm very impressed. Obviously it still needs to get some hours in it and maybe a few other positions tried before I can make a final decision.
Does well with brassy jazz and cymbals, loves rock'n'roll vocals and guitar passes. Lacks some body and exhibits some inner-groove-distortion issues. Does it out play my Goldring Eroica? No, of course not. Should it? No, of course not. This is a great "budget" cartridge, and I've very pleased.
Initial opinions:
Excels at demonstrating light horns, and brass. Reasonably apt at creating a nice vocal stage, its smooth but forward. I like that. It does lack the room-filling body that you might gain with a nicer package. I'm very impressed. Obviously it still needs to get some hours in it and maybe a few other positions tried before I can make a final decision.
Does well with brassy jazz and cymbals, loves rock'n'roll vocals and guitar passes. Lacks some body and exhibits some inner-groove-distortion issues. Does it out play my Goldring Eroica? No, of course not. Should it? No, of course not. This is a great "budget" cartridge, and I've very pleased.